Questions and answers about the DAC

Here we answer all questions about installing and using the Diamond Art Creator.

What is the DAC?

DAC is a specially developed program for Windows that allows you to create a painting template from any image or photo in a few simple steps.
All you have to do is load a photo of your choice into the program. You choose the type of stones, the number of colors and the size of your desired template. DAC provides you with all the information you need in a clear manner. From the template to the number of stones to the simple order list, Diamond Art Creator provides all the information you need.

The download doesn’t work…

If you call up this page with the Microsoft Edge browser and the download is classified as potentially dangerous, please proceed as follows:
Select the 3 dots at the top right next to the file name. Then click “Keep”, “Show more” and “Keep anyway”. The file can then be started without any problems and the program will be installed.

Can I also produce panels, i.e. multi-part images, with the DAC?

Multi-part images per se cannot be created with it. However, you can split the desired motif into several parts with a graphics program such as Gimp and then pixel each of them separately.

Why should I use the DAC? There are also other programs for pixelation.

DAC was developed with the help of experienced Pixlers who know exactly what special requirements have to be met in order to transform their own photos and images into diamond paintings. For this purpose, the program uses special routines by Mykola Kovalchuk, who has already developed the cross-stitch program ” Stitch Art Easy “.
In addition, the DAC is completely free!

The specified device, path, or file cannot be accessed. …

Some virus scanners block the execution of unknown files. For installation, please temporarily deactivate your virus scanner. You can find out how to do this in the help of your virus scanner.

Can I have colors with fewer than “x” required stones removed automatically?

It is not possible to remove stones with less than a certain number. However, these colors can be merged. You can find out how this works in the Tips&Tricks section 🙂

FAQ wird ständig erweitert 😉
Why is the DAC still in beta?

The DAC is constantly being further developed. And since there will certainly still be one or two errors, it will remain in the beta phase for the time being.

When I start the program I just get an empty window without any content.

To be able to use the DAC, the Microsoft Net Framework is required. At least version 4.8 is required for the current version of the DAC.
You can download it here and then install it.


No, DAC is currently only available for Windows.
There are also no plans to change this in the foreseeable future.

My question was not answered here!

Then take a look at the Tips&Tricks section. You might find a solution there.
Or you send us an e-mail ? We answer every question!